A DM from God

This morning while waiting for confession, I was praying the daily Examen. Today I was asking God to show me what grace I most need right now. I talked to him about what I'm facing in TWO DAYS. And then, in a moment so not like me, I shut up and listened.

He said, "rest." Just rest. 

Resting. Phooey. Ask Bob or most people who know me and they'll tell ya, I'm not the type. I rarely sit still, I'm always doing something -- laundry, housework, a project, decorating, you name it. When I'm out of things to do I come up with something. A nap? No way! I'll file my nails. I'll clean out this cabinet. The counters are a mess. These books are out of order. The dishes need put away. The garage floor needs swept. This stuff isn't going to do itself!

So when God told me to rest, I was like, huhwha? You must be off a pew, Lord, this is a message for the woman behind me. Then, Jesus said, "I will give you rest." It was a direct message for me.

I went on my phone to look for the verse. "Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart, and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light." Matthew 11: 28-30

I think there is more to this "rest" than just not being a whirling dervish, although this is part of it. I will, for a while, need to be okay to just REST and heal from the surgery. But it's also about not being RESTLESS. Quiet the interior freakouts. Stop with the "what ifs." Just be here, right now, with God, who is all in all.

Thanks for the message, Father.


  1. Beautiful, Polly! May God bring deep rest to you body and soul!


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